The March issue, like all other issues of Science for the People, represents people as much as it...

Volume 4, Number 2
March 1972
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For the past three years Science for the People has held actions at the annual AAAS meetings...
At the American Economics Association (AEA) Convention in New Orleans the Union for Radical...
Each year, sandwiched between Christmas and New Year's days, the American Association for the...
Psychology professor Richard Herrnstein of Harvard University published an article titled "I.Q." in...
AAAS attendees bought many copies of a little salmon colored pamphlet entitled CENSORED. The...
Though the phrasing varies, these simple principles are constantly referred to by the Vietnamese...
When we learned from Richard Levins of Chicago that he was initiating an American Science for...
I've finally gotten around to writing you! This letter is to clear up a couple of technical...