Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now, bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind...

Volume 4, Number 3
May 1972
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Three years ago a few members of the American Physical Society startled their colleagues by wearing...
From an historical point of view, the capitalist mode of production and distribution has led to the...
When reaching for a fresh bottle of chemicals on the laboratory shelf, how often do we as chemists...
I am writing to announce my withdrawal from the Public Policy Program. This letter is being made...
One of the films that Steve gave me was called "Pregnancy testing in the 70's". It was a panel...
The oppressive set of myths that make up a large part of this ideology can survive only so long as...
People all over the world have been led to confront these questions. China, as a revolutionary...
Bob Cahn has written up a piece on the Job Crisis. It ends with a “threat” that if the APS Council...