SESPA speakers pointed out that politically and economically the green revolution represents a capitalist incursion into Third World markets as well as an attempt to secure the Third world politically for the West. We then attempted to show how the imperialist goal of the funding organizations created great strictures...
Tag - volume 5
Our main purpose in calling this conference was twofold: to try to bring together many scattered people who had shown an interest in SESPA, seeking to replace the isolation of many individuals with new contacts that could lead to the formation and growth of new groups; and also to try to advance the general discussion...
With this issue Science for the People (SftP) begins its fourth year of publication. It is fitting at this time to review our progress over the past several years, to report on re-organizational efforts under way, and to look to possibilities for the future. While the last couple years have witnessed an...
During the next few years the United States Military is going to develop and deploy a highly advanced form of the electronic battlefield. Some parts of this advanced electronic battlefield have already entered combat in S. E. Asia. Other parts have only feasibility study status. Taken in total the outline of a killing...
Not too long ago environmental concern was the dominant issue of the day. This was in no small part due to Paul Ehrlich and his book The Population Bomb. Ehrlich is viewed by the media and the public as a major spokesman of the environmental movement. He has been associated with a trend in environmental thought that...
In this issue of SftP several articles on the Chilean struggle have been collected together with reports of SESPA/SftP activities. While the fortunes of the Chilean people's struggles are very relevant to all people engaged in the same world-wide process, there is additional relevance to SESPA/SftP, since we see our...
While the last couple years have witnessed an apparent decline in political activism and a near stand-still within various segments of the movement, SESPA/SftP has remained quite healthy. Our organization has grown in numbers; but much more importantly, there has been a positive shift in its political orientation, a...
There are inspiring lessons in the Watergate phenomenon: one is, how fragile the legitimacy of Power is in America, such that when the sacred "electoral process" is briefly compromised in appearance, there is a flurry of cleansing behavior on the part of all concerned institutions, including both parties. Then, there...
In the middle room, the one where most meetings are held, the group is gathered. Posters cover the walls. Boxes of magazines are stacked at two sides, some on top of the bench, sharing it with a man and a woman. Other persons are seated opposite on the couch under the blackboard or at the table by the window. One lies...
In the past issues this space was used to mainly describe the articles appearing in the issue. There is, however, a more important idea which needs to be stated. It pertains not only to all issues of Science for the People but also to other magazines published by other radical friends. You and all people in struggle...