The Atomic Energy Commission was formed a year after the holocaust at Hiroshima and Nagasaki gave the world its first exposure to atomic energy as an instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy. The McMahon Act of 1946 set up a 5-man Commission, all civilians, to advise the President on all possible manifestations of this new...
Tag - volume 5
If you think that the AEC's concern for reactor safety can be counted upon to protect you from the potential hazards of a nuclear power plant, then consider the following case history in which two men have already died because of criminal negligence. June 6, 1968: Virginia Electric and Power Company (Vepco) begins...
Radios, refrigerators, radars, generators, and electrocardiographs-Americans have never used more electrical equipment. Yet two-hundred thousand fewer people can now fmd work in the industry than just two years ago. Where have all the jobs gone? Have they been lost to the Japanese competition? In part, but not nearly...
Stilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen hormone, was used heavily on women from 1945 to 1952 to prevent complications of pregnancy and for scientific research on pregnancy . Science and the media have only half-heartedly discussed the direct connection of Stilbestrol to the vaginal cancer now being discovered in the young...
Honeywell Information Systems is a branch of Honeywell corporation specializing in the manufacturing computers. In 1968 Honeywell launched a major effort to produce a new line of 'fourth generation' computers, which if successful would constitute a major challenge to IBM. In 1970 Honeywell acquired from the General...
"Yes . . . but women are different" says the well-intentioned liberal, ready to support civil rights and other struggles of women. ..You really can't trust women, they are too emotional, they get hysterical, they're just different ... " says the employer, justifying having women in low-paying, low-status positions...
An alternative program for technical work is no panacea. Scientists must realize that in this society almost any type of research stands a chance of being perverted. For science to serve the people the basic social structure will have to changed. New tactics are needed. We can't get very far by organizing people...
Women Act To Control Healthcare (WATCH) is a Chicago based women's group composed of healthcare workers and consumers concerned about the institutional healthcare services available for women in Chicago. In the past year, we have been working around two related healthcare institutions: the presently existing Chicago...
In compiling the chronology, we tried to include those facts which could summarize the development of political awareness of the working class and its participation in the Chilean leftist political organizations which made the electoral victory possible. This way of describing a historical process cannot explain the...
The SESPA Science Teaching Group held a science conference on Saturday, March 10 at the Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. The 150 participants included students and faculty from local high schools and colleges. The conference was organized in response to a need felt among science teachers to begin a...