Tag - AAAS

Herrnstein Buffs Rebuff Herrnstein’s Ideological Bluff

Each year, sandwiched between Christmas and New Year's days, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) holds its annual meeting in a major American city, with its headquarters in a towering hotel of a major American hotel chain. Invariably, not very far away is a major American ghetto, and of...

The Strange Procedures of Science Magazine’s Editor

AAAS attendees bought many copies of a little salmon colored pamphlet entitled CENSORED. The pamphlet describes the censoring of an article with the title, Science for the People, that four members of SESPA from N.Y. and Chicago had submitted for publication. The article is a modified and extended development of the...

Majority View

Newspapers and TV throughout the country blazoned reports of "disruption" at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) panel entitled "Is there a Generation Gap in Science. " Edward Teller, ''father of the H-bomb" was extensively quoted. What they did not say was that the "gap" at the panel was...

Chicago ‘70 AAAS Actions: Review and Critique

Our major purpose was both critical and assertive -- critical of the technical and scientific obfuscation of the essentially political nature of the use, content, financial support and motivation of science in America and assertive of the need of a positive program of "people's science." (see "People's Science, page...

Indictment of Glenn T. Seaborg for the Crime of Science Against the People

SCIENCE AGAINST THE PEOPLE is a crime that in today's world has reached a scale unprecedented in history. For never before has the confluence of technological capability and the need to dominate affected so many people in so many parts of the world. You are guilty, Glenn T. Seaborg. of a conscious, major, self-serving...

SESPA Tells It Like It Is: Opening Statement AAA$ ‘70

The first major event at the AAA$ was the Special Lecture to be delivered by. Dr. Philip Handler, President of the National Academy of Sciences, on the "Obligations of the Scientific Community." The forty-some page text released in advance made it amply clear that we were going to be treated to one of those consensus...

AAAS Actions at Philadelphia: The Solidarity of the Long-Distance Activists

For the past three years Science for the People has held actions at the annual AAAS meetings, questioning the political manner in which science priorities are established and the hierarchical and elitist way in which science is organized. The AAAS finds itself in a curious (maybe not so curious) position in the face...

Open Letter – AAAS Philadelphia 1971

Many of us in SESPA who are doing or have done scientific and engineering work, feel a deep sense of frustration and exasperation about the use of that work. We teach, we do experiments, we design new things—and for what? To enable those who direct this society to better exploit and oppress the great majority of us...