From October 20-24, the American Public Health Association (APHA) held its 102nd annual meeting in New Orleans. The theme was a more progressive one than ever previously adopted as a convention topic: "The Health of Non-White and Poor Americans". The more than 8,500 participants represented a cross-section of American...
Tag - AAAS
The AAAS was caught off guard. Science for the People activists demanded that the Association take stands against the Indochina war, the brutal murder of Black Panthers in Chicago, the discrimination in science against women and Third World peoples. Sessions which featured apologists for the U.S. government or the...
Once again the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) will hold its annual meetings in New York, Jan., 1975. This is not new. Once again Science for the People can be there carrying out its responsibilities to humankind by attacking, behind the mask of science, the technology and ideology of...
The Army Mathematics Research Center: Our attack on this military research center continues. The center recently attacked our book The AMRC Papers
When we learned from Richard Levins of Chicago that he was initiating an American Science for Vietnam program we were very excited. We felt this was an opportunity not only to express our opposition to the Indochina War, but also to engage in active support of the people of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. Science...
I am assuming that we think SESPA activities at large meetings such as the AAAS, ACS, APS, NSTA, etc., are valuable and that we should continue to make our presence felt. For me, involvement with SESPA at the AAAS meetings (I haven't been to others) has come to serve two purposes: (1) It gives me a chance to exchange...
The fundamental aim of all our actions this past December was to point out to the general AAAS membership the involvement of establishment science with the oppressive, racist policies of the U.S. government. We were careful to distinguish between the unwitting complicity of scientific workers like ourselves who make...
The AAAS is planning a Mexico City meeting, June 20-July 4, under the title "Science and Man in the Americas" This article will try to better explain the context of the meeting and show how "the man" (meaning the system, the ruling class, the bosses, etc.) will be using the occasion.
The following article describes Science for the People actions and activities at the recent joint meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Mexico's National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). The article was written by part of the SESPA/Science for the People group which...
...the AAAS meeting is not simply a gathering of well-intentioned scientists. It is an important scientific and ideological tool for preserving the status quo. It serves to obscure the essential political relations of science while perpetuating the elitist, technocratic attitudes which have characterized the...