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Volume 3, Number 2
May 1971
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The nightmare of genetic engineering and test-tube babies and other spectres of the misuse of...
Betty Zisk of Boston University* points out that having mastered an appropriate list of "buzz...
Known to outsiders as the home of Anheuser-Busch brewing company and the St. Louis Cardinals (owned...
Only a few blocks uptown from Orgy of Love, Three Terror Thrillers, and Debut of a Monster, the N ...
Since the American Physical Society (APS) meeting a number of developments have occurred in the...
A note from Washington University in Saint Louis tells of the case of David Colfax. Judged...
There is no law prohibiting the detection and removal of phone taps, regardless of their so-called...
When the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts opened in the Fall of 1965, its initial...
The following are a few of the publications we have received that are indicative of the growing...
Students and staff at the University of California's Lawrence Radiation Lab at Berkeley continue to...
In 1969 major industrial polluters spent one billion dollars to advertise their efforts at...
Science for the People activists in Chicago and racical faculty in the Division of Biological...
Scientific and technological resources of the United States should not be used to help colonize and...
April 19-23: Protests in Washington by 5000 veterans of the Vietnam war, sponsored by the Vietnam...