Tag - workers’ actions and struggles

Education and Research in Occupational Health

For several years now the CSN and the FTQ have organized workshops on occupational safety and health. These sessions are aimed at informing and promoting awareness among workers, as well as mobilizing and organizing around issues and actions leading to the improvement of working conditions. The sessions are built...

Which Side Are We On — A Forum on the Class Position of Technical Workers

In the following pages we present, for the first time in Science for the People, a forum — a group of articles and commentaries that are directed to the same question. That question is, "What is the class position of technical workers (technicians, computer programmers, scientists, engineers, etc.) and what is their...

Questions from Argentina : Que Pasa en los Estados Unidos?

For some time we have exchanged Science for the People with Ciencia Nueva, a magazine published in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ciencia Nueva's objective is to bring scientific problems in front of Argentine and other Latin American people. In this way science and technology are confronted with the economic and political...

Black Revolutionary Scientific Worker Jailed Without Bail

In December, following a four-month effort, Computer People for Peace (CPP) succeeded in raising $50,000 bail for Clark Squire, computer programmer and co-defendant in the New York Panther conspiracy trial. When the New York-based group (see Science for the People, Vol.II, No.2, August 1970, p.17) presented the money...

Actions at Polaroid

For the past six years, the question of Polaroid's economic involvement in South Africa has been discussed by that company's white corporate managers. Polaroid, as a relatively new corporation, has established a liberal reputation in view of its hiring of blacks and its relations with the black community. It is the...

Class Struggle in the French Scientific Establishment

"We shall not be watchdogs for the capitalist system." This slogan captures the attitude which emerged on the Nanterre campus in March, 1968, and has been kept alive in the French student movement by a continuing, radical, defiant challenge to the form, content and motivation of higher education. Until recently this...

Repression Hits the Liberal Fan

A note from Washington University in Saint Louis tells of the case of David Colfax. Judged according to the only standard that matters, his practice, David has been a tireless worker in the building of radical action and consciousness. In 1967, he initiated the campaign to have the American Sociological Association...

Polaroid Fires Workers — Struggle Continues

Since the American Physical Society (APS) meeting a number of developments have occurred in the campaign to force Polaroid Corporation to withdraw from South Africa. On February 9, 1971 Polaroid responded to the boycott called by the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement (PWRM) by sending a memo to all its employees...

St. Louis Aerospace Workers Respond to Layoffs with New Organization

Known to outsiders as the home of Anheuser-Busch brewing company and the St. Louis Cardinals (owned by August Busch), St.Louis was once one of the most prosperous and bustling cities in the country. Deriving its wealth largely from railroads and the Mississippi harbor, it became internationally famous when the World's...

Discrimination at UMass — Woman Scientist Fights Back

When the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts opened in the Fall of 1965, its initial physics faculty was made up of two men and two women, and one of the men was married to one of the women. At the start of her fourth year the wife (of the couple) got notice that "University policy quite clearly prohibits...