At the heart of the energy industry are the giant multinational corporations. At the present time, seven international oil companies (Standard Oil of New Jersey, Texaco, California Standard, Gulf, Mobil, Shell and British Petroleum), five of them U.S. based, dominate the international oil markets, controlling ⅔ of the...
Tag - volume 6
With the military coup d'etat of September, 1973, 41 years of constitutional democracy in Chile came to an end. The purpose of our paper is to analyze (1) some of the changes that occurred in the Chilean health system during the government of Salvadore Allende, (2) the political and economic constraints that limited...
Since the declaration of martial law in the Philippines 23 September 1972, many people in the United States have been alarmed about the growing repression in that country and continued U.S. involvement there. With this in mind, representatives from ten eastern seaboard cities held a conference in Philiadelphia on 20...
A multi-million dollar proposal for a "Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence" (CSRV) at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) has been designed to focus on the "pathologically violent individual" and, in the words of its main proponent, is aimed at "altering undesirable behavior." In this time of...
This paper has been an attempt to clarify some of the contradictions of the techniques now in use to modify and control behavior. Coupled with the brutality and the totalitarian nature of these methods is the destruction that they cause to the individual.
We have inherited from bourgeois society a science whose structure presupposes that man exists inherently as a passive object of external natural laws that science must discover but over which man has no ultimate control. A revolutionary movement that intends to liberate man's repressed desires will need to overcome...
In Madison, the struggle against U.S. imperialism has refocused on the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) at the University of Wisconsin. Two important events in the fight to abolish AMRC have taken place this fall: Karleton Armstrong was tried and sentenced for his part in the 1970 bombing of the center, and a...
There are many assumptions implicit in the argument for population control which are either questionable or outright nonsense from the point of view of radical political economy, and therefore many “radicals” have denounced the entire concept. After centuries of rapacious exploitation of the world’s peoples and...
Impetigo is a skin disease caused by streptococci bacteria inducing boil-like pustules on the face, legs and other exposed parts of the body, which may itch, bum and bleed. It spreads rapidly, persists unless treated and leads to multiple infection in families. With certain strains of streptococci, impetigo can lead...
Several questions are raised by the Chile article. First, to what extent can special groups like doctors be expected to divorce themselves from their associations with the dominant class and work for significant change? The article suggests that when it comes to a choice between class interests and change, most...