Category - No 1

Press Release from Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement

On October 27, 1970 the Polaroid Revolutionary Workers Movement called for an INTERNATIONAL BOYCOTT of all Polaroid Instant Gadgets. We would like to report that public support in condemning Polaroid in its role as sole supplier of instant pass photos and race ID cards in South Africa has been shown by the loss of $15...

Science for Vietnam Report

The November issue of Science for the People in the article Science for Vietnam, indicated topics where information would be useful to the Vietnamese. Topics included were cell and molecular biology, mathematical biology, population biology, warfare damage, herbicides, forestry, etc. Science for Vietnam, newsletter...

Books on War Crimes

The DRVN Commission for the Investigation of U.S. War Crimes in Viet Nam urgently needs copies of the following books (of which it has knowledge but no access).

People’s Health Movement

The People's Health Movement (PHM) is an organization of welfare recipients, industrial workers, professionals, health workers and students. It has a membership of 300 people. It was started in February, 1971 when residents from many of Cincinnati's communities came together and expressed grave concern over the...

Free Clinics

Medical institutions derive their wealth from patient fees, research grants and real estate investments. The wealth of many medical empires is measured in the tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars. Using this measuring rod, free clinics are but fleas on the hide of the elephantine medical system. Since the...

Inflation, Recession, and Crisis

Since Nixon announced his new economic program, the American left has been searching for an effective response. In its reaction to the program and the underlying economic crisis, the left has not yet escaped some of its most familiar failings. On the one hand, many radicals cling to an image of cataclysmic economic...

Science in the Justification of Class Structure

It's happened once again. Another puppet has stepped forward, scientific credentials in hand, to mouth the scientific justification for an unjust social order. This time it's Richard Herrnstein, Harvard professor of psychology and noted pigeon researcher, who has recently joined the ranks of Jensen, Banfield...

Open Letter – AAAS Philadelphia 1971

Many of us in SESPA who are doing or have done scientific and engineering work, feel a deep sense of frustration and exasperation about the use of that work. We teach, we do experiments, we design new things—and for what? To enable those who direct this society to better exploit and oppress the great majority of us...

About This Issue

Thus, the December-January issue. And just in time, too, for the upcoming AAAS meeting in Philadelphia. The task of preparing this issue was much complicated by a felt need for a reply to Richard Herrnstein's "I.Q.", to appear in this issue. We eventually ended up considering three such articles at once, an unusual...