Author - SftP Publishing

Women in Science: Women Drink Water While Men Drink Wine

From early times women have been excluded from access to any organized body of knowledge. Women in ancient Greece were educated to become housekeepers, mothers, or mistresses. In the same period Greek philosophers were trying to give answers to the fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, the meaning of...

The Structure of American Health Care

The healthcare system seems so chaotic, so unplanned, so uncoordinated, that many people call it a nonsystem. To cure the healthcare crisis, they conclude, we must turn it into a system. Specifically, they argue, some form of national health insurance would provide financially shaky hospitals with a stable income...

Agribusiness: Feeding Profit Rather Than People

The most surprising fact about agriculture today is that sometimes people have enough food, that hunger is not more widespread than it is. This is surprising because in most of the world today, food production is not undertaken to feed people, food does not flow from well-fed areas to hungry areas; nor do fluctuations...

Gene Implantation: Hazards of Genetic Engineering

Recent breakthroughs in the field of genetics have improved greatly our understanding of how genes carry information from one generation to the next, and how they specify the development and functions of all organisms. Associated with this new knowledge are powerful new technologies which allow the linking of genes...

AAAS: Bicentennial and Beyond—Will the Future be as Bad as the Past?

“Science and Our Expectations: Bicentennial and Beyond” is the title of this year’s AAAS convention. But what are our expectations? We see our cities falling apart, people thrown out of work, education and other vital social programs being cut back and the danger of war continually increasing. At the same time, people...

SftP and AAA$, 1976

Priorities in Cancer Research: Occupational and Environmental Carcinogenesis.
—The politics behind cancer spending.
Feb. 20. 3 pm. Sheraton/Beacon A.
Arranged by Allen E. Silverstone (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for Cancer Research).

North East Regional Conference

From October 24-26 the Third Annual Northeast Regional Conference of Science for the People was held in Voluntown, Connecticut. Approximately forty people attended, representing Boston, NYC, Stony Brook (NY), Chicago, Tallahassee, Washington (D.C.) and Montreal.

Scholars for Dollar$: The Business-Government-University Consulting Network

The following is an adaptation by the editorial committee of a pamphlet — “Academics in Government and Industry” by Charles Schwartz. 800 years ago, at the University of Bologna in Italy, professors had to obtain permission from their students and post bond in order to leave town on private business. No such...