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Volume 5, Number 2
March 1973
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In recent years, both the American government and the "philanthropic" agencies such as IPPF, have...
In the late twentieth century, the precepts of Reverend Thomas Malthus are being revived, even...
The fundamental aim of all our actions this past December was to point out to the general AAAS...
I am assuming that we think SESPA activities at large meetings such as the AAAS, ACS, APS, NSTA...
On the weekend of May 13, 1972, twenty women travelled by bus from Chicago to Philadelphia, to...
Michael T. Klare's War Without End is a chilling and well-documented history of American military...
For the past several months the Madison Collective of Science for the People has been directly...
As far as I am concerned — and, I believe, many other concerned scientists as well — the best thiHg...
The rate of unemployment among engineers concerns engineers themselves, the engineering colleges...