I grew up in a small town, and spent a lot of time on the farms of friends and relatives. Rural life, it seemed to me, offered a good blend of sensual pleasures, hard work and whole tasks. As an adult, I've spent most of my life in the largest cities of the U.S. I am familiar, then, with rural and urban living. But I...
Tag - women
An economy based on consumption needs consumers. When the market is saturated at home, the solution—look abroad for new and untapped markets. This is exactly what has happened in the infant formula industry. With too few mouths to feed at home, the major manufacturers of baby foods have stepped up their promotion...
Boston has recently become the arena for a massive attack on women, Third World and working class people. The racist anti-busing movement has provided a cover for violent attacks on Third World people. The anti-abortion movement focuses its attack on women, especially poor women. The general attack on working class...
Stilbestrol, a synthetic estrogen hormone, was used heavily on women from 1945 to 1952 to prevent complications of pregnancy and for scientific research on pregnancy . Science and the media have only half-heartedly discussed the direct connection of Stilbestrol to the vaginal cancer now being discovered in the young...
The Health Group of the Women’s Center needs:
Hematocrit centrifuge
Examining table
In a country where over one half of the population are women, why are only 9% of chemists women? Why do women constitute only 4.2% of all physicists and 0.8% of all engineers? Are we dealing here with those mythical natural interests and capabilities of women? Is the reason irrational discrimination, or is it perhaps...
One of the films that Steve gave me was called "Pregnancy testing in the 70's". It was a panel discussion between six members of the medical profession. The trend of the discussion was how important routine early pregnancy tests are, since women could go into X-ray therapy, for instance, unaware of their pregnancy...
The oppressive set of myths that make up a large part of this ideology can survive only so long as women remain ignorant of their physiology, of the commonness of their psychological suffering, and of the role that the ideology itself plays in influencing them to accept their oppression (indeed in often preventing...
When the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts opened in the Fall of 1965, its initial physics faculty was made up of two men and two women, and one of the men was married to one of the women. At the start of her fourth year the wife (of the couple) got notice that "University policy quite clearly prohibits...
It is important to note that sexual oppression is both pervasive and institutionalized; within the scientific community it takes many forms. Educational tracking by sex from elementary school on channels women into subordinate roles and stereotypes. While men are trained to develop 'logical' patterns of thought, women...