Tag - labor movement

More Than Better Pay: If the Swedes Can Do It…

It wasn’t paradise, but the work environment in the Anebyhus Company’s sawmill was much better than in mills in North America. And it was just one of many impressive work sites visited by eight IWA members and staff and two government officials during a two-week study tour of the wood products industry in Sweden.

Experiment in Development: Update from Grenada

In Grenada, we have members in the present government who were members of the opposition in the past government. These people were elected even during Gairy’s reign when he massively rigged elections. So, these people represent a vast number of the people in our country. Another thing that people might not be aware of...

Technology and Productivity

The introduction of NC processes in metal machining has affected the class struggle. It alters the skills required of production workers, but it is not clear that the skills required are lesser or greater than those needed for conventional machining processes. The major purpose of NC technology is to increase...

Industrial Genetic Screening

In an unequal set of economic relations as exist within American industry, scientists must work extremely hard to see that on matters of health all sides are considered equally. This means they will have to forge links with workers and progressive unions who are struggling over occupational health issues. They will...