Category - No 4

Chapter Reports

Berkeley SESPA members have been involved in diverse activities over the past few months. Many people in our group spent a lot of time with the SESPA people who had just returned from China. The China people did a lot of speaking on an itinerary set up by our China Study Group. A program on the U.C. campus featuring a...

Science and THE MAN in the Americas

The AAAS is planning a Mexico City meeting, June 20-July 4, under the title "Science and Man in the Americas" This article will try to better explain the context of the meeting and show how "the man" (meaning the system, the ruling class, the bosses, etc.) will be using the occasion.

Technological Dependence: Patents and Transnational Corporations

The purpose of this analysis is to explore the relationship which the less developed countries (LDC) have with the United States, Europe, and Japan concerning technological dependence. This dependence, engendered by the patent system along with the sale and distribution of technology by transnational corporations...

Motivation or Manipulation: Management Practice and Ideology

There was but a sardonic humor in that appraisal of the work situation. Management's search for a solution to the alienation, boredom, and depersonalization of factory workers directed the course of a symposium entitled "The Corporation and the College as Social Engineers" which was staged at Emmanuel College, a...

Environmental Colonialism

Puerto Rico's land and people have been increasingly threatened by industrial pollution from U.S. corporations which dominate their economy and inhabit their environment. To comprehend what is happening to the Puerto Rican environment, we must understand recent developments in the United States, beginning in 1946 with...

Women’s Biology in a Man’s World: Some Issues and Questions

"Yes . . . but women are different" says the well-intentioned liberal, ready to support civil rights and other struggles of women. ..You really can't trust women, they are too emotional, they get hysterical, they're just different ... " says the employer, justifying having women in low-paying, low-status positions...

Agriculture in China: An Eyewitness Report

Ten SESPA members visited the People's Republic of China in February and March as guests of the Chinese Scientific and Technical Association. Their four weeks were a very brief introduction to the practice of science under socialism. The possibility of the trip was first discussed in Boston in January, 1972...

About This Issue

There are inspiring lessons in the Watergate phenomenon: one is, how fragile the legitimacy of Power is in America, such that when the sacred "electoral process" is briefly compromised in appearance, there is a flurry of cleansing behavior on the part of all concerned institutions, including both parties. Then, there...