Category - No 3

Important Notice: Political Action

Political action is being organized for the December meeting of the AAA$ to be held between Xmas and New Year's at the Conrad Hilton, Sheraton-Blackstone and Pick-Congress Hotels in Chicago.

Proposed Legislation Threatens to Silence Scientists

The Defense Facilities and Industrial Securities Act of 1970 now pending in the Senate would require security clearance for workers in, “any plant, factory, industry, public utility, mine, laboratory, educational institution, research organization, railroad, airport, pier, waterfront installation, canal, dani bridge...

Subscriptions to Science for the People and Membership in SESPA

SESPA is defined by its activities. People who participate in the (mostly local) activities consider themselves members. Of course, there are people who through a variety of circumstances are not in a position to be active but who would like to maintain contact. They also consider themselves members. The magazine...

About This Issue: What Happened

In August Vol.II, #2 of SESPA Newsletter became SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE "scheduled to be issued the second week of the even-numbered months." About 5000 copies have now been distributed and the response is most encouraging. In our mail are many statements of support and requests for additional copies. Money is...