Hong Kong, July 2, 1978: We have just left the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) after a one-month visit. Our itinerary took us from Hainan Island in the south of China to Peking in the north - with many stops scattered in between. Although the main focus of the trip was to study the current organization and objectives...
Category - No 5
After a year of preparation for the illegal "occupation-restoration" at the Seabrook nuclear plant on June 24th (the fourth occupation), New Hampshire Governor Meldrim Thomson on June 12th proposed a four-day "legal demonstration" on the neighboring 18 acre Seabrook dump- and suddenly it was a whole new ballgame. Was...
These songs are excerpted from the songbook published by the Clamshell Alliance, Songs to Stop Seabrook By, compiled by Beth DellaValle, David DiGiuseppe, and Jenny Van Pelt. The book is unfortunately out of print at present.
This article is abridged from the special issue on Sanrizuka of AMPO Japan-Asia Quarterly Review, Vol. 9 No.4. A year's subscription to AMPO is US$12.00 for individuals and $20.00 for institutions, from AMPO, PO Box 5250, Tokyo International, Japan. AMPO is published in English.
The number of conventional nuclear power plants in Japan reached 14 in 1977. An experimental fast breeder reactor also started test operation and a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant was put into operation in the same year. At the same time nearly half of the conventional light water reactors were out of operation...
The large corporations of the nuclear power industry have made their choice. They have invested a great deal of money in nuclear power in the hope of high profits, and they are using their vast economic power in an attempt to ensure that these hopes are realized.* In the late 1960s it looked as if these corporations...
The movement against nuclear energy in West Germany had its beginnings in Whyl, a small town on the French/Swiss/German border. The protests began on a small scale after the news of the planned atomic energy plant was made public in 1971. The movement was triggered by students and others from the nearby city of...
This issue of the magazine focuses on the organized struggles of people united against corporate and state power. The anti-nuke struggle and the fight against the New Tokyo International Airport at Narita are attempts to democratize decision-making and to oppose the direction of capitalist economic development. In...