I am assuming that we think SESPA activities at large meetings such as the AAAS, ACS, APS, NSTA, etc., are valuable and that we should continue to make our presence felt. For me, involvement with SESPA at the AAAS meetings (I haven't been to others) has come to serve two purposes: (1) It gives me a chance to exchange...
Author - it_coordinator
The fundamental aim of all our actions this past December was to point out to the general AAAS membership the involvement of establishment science with the oppressive, racist policies of the U.S. government. We were careful to distinguish between the unwitting complicity of scientific workers like ourselves who make...
The following listing is a compilation of the first three year's issues of Science for the People. The articles cover Volumes 2-4, and have been categorized under the following subject headings: Critique of Establishment Science and Scientists
Several centuries ago Newton postulated that a body at rest tends to stay at rest. The consequences of this postulate are distressing when applied to a body with the mass of the American Chemical Society (ACS). SESPA first experienced the inertia of the ACS in April, 1972, at the Boston national meeting (see SFP, Vol...
The rate of unemployment among engineers concerns engineers themselves, the engineering colleges, industry and the government. If the rate is low and a passing affair, then no action is needed: the situation will correct itself in a short time. If the rate is high and persists over a period of years, then organized...
We are planning to put out an issue of the magazine devoted entirely to the energy problem. We hope to be able to do this by early 1974, and this is a call for people who might be willing to work on such an issue as well as those who may wish to contribute articles.
In March 1969, a demonstration against a Dow Chemical Corporation (napalm manufacturers) recruiter led to a demand for access to the university's research files in an effort to expose suspected direct involvement of the university with the military. A group of over 100 demonstrators entered the graduate school offices...
What is the role of technological aid to Third World liberation movements? What form of aid should progressive or radical groups advocate and support?
Puerto Rico's land and people have been increasingly threatened by industrial pollution from U.S. corporations which dominate their economy and inhabit their environment. To comprehend what is happening to the Puerto Rican environment, we must understand recent developments in the United States, beginning in 1946 with...
The following article describes Science for the People actions and activities at the recent joint meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Mexico's National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT). The article was written by part of the SESPA/Science for the People group which...