Woods Hole, Massachusetts is known for its scientific facilities-the Marine Biological Laboratories (MBL), the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), and the Fisheries. Every summer these institutes play host to many young people from elementary school pupils to graduate students who study and work at the...
Tag - volume 3
Edwin Land is a Harvard Hero. No, not because of his prowess on the football field or even on the debate team, for that matter, but because Ed Land has achieved what so many Nobel prize winners have only hoped to achieve. Land has made himself a fortune by turning science into cash. He is the scientific entrepeneur...
It appeared that the United States was going to institute a new policy regarding the use of chemical-biological warfare (CBW) when President Nixon announced on November 25, 1969 that: The United States will never employ biological weapons; existing stockpiles of germ weapons are to be destroyed. Germ warfare research...
The following item also appears in the July, 1971 issue of Freedom News. Once again the profit seekers are proceeding without regard for chemical pollution and the health of man. The chemical that is being proposed to make it cheap to get the fleece off of sheep is supposed to be safe: "So far there is no evidence...
It was Shirley Chisholm, the black American Congresswoman, who said recently that she had faced discrimination all her life-but that she had suffered more as a woman, than as a Black. Under the regime of Apartheid, it would not be possible for any black South African woman to say the same; in this society, colour...
Did you know that:
..... one $500,000,000 aircraft carrier equals 340 elementary schools.
..... one soldier on the front in Vietnam costs $90,000. That equals eleven teachers' annual salaries.
The following abstract has been brought to our attention as being indicative of the kind of work which has stimulated an increased emphasis on social science research in the government. Note the clear implications of this Air Force study for both military and scientific purposes.
The June issue of Consulting Engineer reports that the National Science Foundation has awarded a $65,000 contract to the Engineers Joint Council for a study of engineer unemployment. The Engineers Joint Council is a creation of U.S. old line engineering organizations: American Society of Civil Engineers, American...
Betty Zisk of Boston University* points out that having mastered an appropriate list of "buzz words" an apprentice author could achieve acclaim by his peers {and the public). This is useful information in these days of unemployment. DOD contractor employees (and others) might wish to change their field. Being experts...
These days, we engineers are in a bad way. Some 80,000 (about 6% of all engineers) are underemployed or out of work, while the others, putting up with a dull job, are taking shorter work weeks, or daily dreading being laid off. The professional societies, out of one side of their mouths, ask the government for relief...