Tag - technology

Runaway Electronics

Radios, refrigerators, radars, generators, and electrocardiographs-Americans have never used more electrical equipment. Yet two-hundred thousand fewer people can now fmd work in the industry than just two years ago. Where have all the jobs gone? Have they been lost to the Japanese competition? In part, but not nearly...

Fighting the Police Computer System

During the last several years, the FBI has been developing a computer-accessed data bank as part of an automated nationwide police information network. The central element of this network, the National Crime Information Center is financed by the federal government under the so-called Organized Crime and Safe Streets...

Toys Against the People (Or Remote Warfare)

During the next few years the United States Military is going to develop and deploy a highly advanced form of the electronic battlefield. Some parts of this advanced electronic battlefield have already entered combat in S. E. Asia. Other parts have only feasibility study status. Taken in total the outline of a killing...