Tag - science funding

Earth Day at Livermore is Like Brotherhood Week at Auschwitz

I went to Livermore looking for some lessons in reality, and came away alarmed. Hoping to find the advocate's defense of radiation, I found discussions of Communication, of Good Works, of Hazards, and of Fate — probable themes for a medieval morality play, but hardly what one expects from an ultra-modern scientific...

Agricultural Research and Social Conflict

The two scenarios just developed were (1) science as it is – researchers engaged in basic and applied research aimed at the mechanization of the tomato harvest – and (2) science as it could be – researchers engaged in basic and applied research aimed at the improvement of farmworkers' jobs. The first is science in...

Since the Cultural Revolution: Science Policy Changes in China

This essay is reproduced here as it appeared in the print edition of the original Science for the People magazine. These web-formatted archives are preserved complete with typographical errors and available for reference and educational and activist use. Scanned PDFs of the back issues can be browsed by headline at...

Biomedical Research, Politics and Health Policy

In the thirty years from 1945 to the present, federal support for biomedical research has increased over 1000-fold to its current 1.7 billion dollar level. This increase in federal support for biomedical research has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in federal support for health care. In fact, as shown...

In the Land Where Coca Cola Is Queen

This article criticizes Fredrick Stare's book: "Panic in the Pantry" which is a defense of the food industry, along with his motives. It then discusses the AAAS' role in food production/advertising and proposes a better alternative.

Scholars for Dollar$: The Business-Government-University Consulting Network

The following is an adaptation by the editorial committee of a pamphlet — “Academics in Government and Industry” by Charles Schwartz. 800 years ago, at the University of Bologna in Italy, professors had to obtain permission from their students and post bond in order to leave town on private business. No such...