Tag - new york sespa

Energy Crisis: Oiling the Profit, Making Machinery

When the energy crisis hit with full force last fall and winter it took the form of an absolute shortage of oil and oil products. Gas became very scarce. There were rumors about not enough heating oil to last the winter. And hundreds of factories cut back on production and laid workers off. A lot of people felt at the...

Northeast Regional Conference

In the past year there has been an increasing awareness of the need for SESPA/SftP to better define its politics and to develop organizationally in broadening the base of people who accept responsibilities and make decisions. A Northeast regional conference to discuss program, tactics and organization was conceived as...

American Chemical Society Actions

Several centuries ago Newton postulated that a body at rest tends to stay at rest. The consequences of this postulate are distressing when applied to a body with the mass of the American Chemical Society (ACS). SESPA first experienced the inertia of the ACS in April, 1972, at the Boston national meeting (see SFP, Vol...

What’s Happening? Reports from Groups and Chapters

The SESPA Science Teaching Group held a science conference on Saturday, March 10 at the Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. The 150 participants included students and faculty from local high schools and colleges. The conference was organized in response to a need felt among science teachers to begin a...