Tag - energy

Farmers Topple Towers: Powerline Assaults the Prairie

In West Central Minnesota, local farmers have been opposing an electrical transmission line for over four years. The resistance dates back to the very first information meeting staged by the utilities. The public relations person for the utility company said at the meeting, "You should be proud to have the biggest...

Current Opinion: The Federal Government and People’s Needs

As food and energy prices soar, they pose an immediate problem for the poor, who must worry about keeping warm and feeding themselves. As food products become more processed, synthetic and chemicalized, they pose a longer-term threat to the health of all economic classes. The less poor, those not immediately...

Here Comes the Sun: The Government Discovers Solar Energy

On "Sun Day", May 3 1978, nationwide rallies celebrated the vast potential of solar energy. Millions of Americans were exposed to a media barrage on solar power, and for the first time many were able to see equipment ranging from solar cookers to windmills capable of producing electricity.

Nuclear Power: Who Needs It?

Critics of the nuclear establishment, among them many highly respected independent scientists, point out that a number of safety plans have not yet been tested and a number of “half-disaster” accidents have already occurred in operating nuclear power plants. The history of the nuclear safety debate records numerous...

Carter’s Energy Plan: Our Cloudy Future

The following is an abridged and revised version of a talk given by Barry Commoner at the Toward Tomorrow Fair (a fair on alternative futures) at Amherst, Mass., on June 27,1977. 

Science Teaching Column — Plants: Food for Thought

We gave this course because MIT has no regular course in plant biology, because we had some new teaching ideas, and because we wanted to discuss technological and political aspects of the world food crisis. Since we are at an elite institution and we were teaching under informal circumstances we had various advantages...

Current Opinion: Battling on Energy

This essay is reproduced here as it appeared in the print edition of the original Science for the People magazine. These web-formatted archives are preserved complete with typographical errors and available for reference and educational and activist use. Scanned PDFs of the back issues can be browsed by headline at...

Corporate Connections of Notable Scientists

The statement on national energy policy signed by 32 leading scientists, which you ran so prominently in Monday's paper, needs to be sprinkled with a bit of salt before the public may digest it healthily. In reaching their chief conclusion — namely, that this country should go full ahead with the nuclear power program...

Review: The Energy Crisis and the REAL Crisis Behind It

Did someone say the "energy crisis" is over? The panic may have passed with the fall in gasoline prices from last year's high, but in the near future new price increases are likely to be announced. This will not be a particularly surprising turn of events to those who have a good grasp of what's happening in the...