When our Editorial Collective was formed it appeared from our backgrounds, the topic of the magazine, and the general good rapport of the group that most of us had come to the group more as "people" than as "scientists." Our expectations were that working for a political magazine might add to our own political...
Tag - editorial collective
Each issue of Science for the People is prepared by a collective, assembled from volunteers by a committee made up of the collectives of the past calendar year. A collective carries out all editorial, production, and distribution functions for one issue. The following is a distillation of the actual practice of the...
We are planning to put out an issue of the magazine devoted entirely to the energy problem. We hope to be able to do this by early 1974, and this is a call for people who might be willing to work on such an issue as well as those who may wish to contribute articles.
Puerto Rico's land and people have been increasingly threatened by industrial pollution from U.S. corporations which dominate their economy and inhabit their environment. To comprehend what is happening to the Puerto Rican environment, we must understand recent developments in the United States, beginning in 1946 with...
Radios, refrigerators, radars, generators, and electrocardiographs-Americans have never used more electrical equipment. Yet two-hundred thousand fewer people can now fmd work in the industry than just two years ago. Where have all the jobs gone? Have they been lost to the Japanese competition? In part, but not nearly...
...the AAAS meeting is not simply a gathering of well-intentioned scientists. It is an important scientific and ideological tool for preserving the status quo. It serves to obscure the essential political relations of science while perpetuating the elitist, technocratic attitudes which have characterized the...
Addressing Chile's Congress, Allende referred to the circumstances of Russia in 1917, of the examples of the Soviet Union and China. He was no academic, no theorist, he was a practical man who considered himself no more nor less than an instrument of the struggle of the Chilean working class. To be able to contribute...
The bourgeois press is 'attempting to obscure the true picture of the events in South Viet Nam. They lay great emphasis on the so-called "invasion" from the North and ignored the role of the popular forces in the South.
Although the Eastern Psychological Association's meetings at the end of April preceded the newest major escalation of the war in Southeast Asia, we had decided to concentrate our small forces around the war issue, despite other pressing psychological issues. Our focus was on generating debate around two anti-war...
Available at the Women's Liberation Center, 36 West 22 Street, New York, N.Y. 10010; for mail order, write to the address given for each item.
Our Bodies, Our Selves
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