Tag - critique of establishment science and scientists

Science and the Attack on Women: Girls, Boys and Math

Seen in this light, sex role research is most easily explained as a social and political phenomenon, not a scientific one. Once again the scientific community has come forth with an apology for the status quo (in this case, male domination), and once again, it has done so with great success. There is no deliberate...

Calculus for Conquest

For the past several months the Madison Collective of Science for the People has been directly involved in the struggle against the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) located on the University of Wisconsin Campus. We are not the first to oppose this military funded and directed institution. Since 1967 it has been...

Light in the Sewer

As far as I am concerned — and, I believe, many other concerned scientists as well — the best thiHg you and any other planners and/or participants involved with the Jason project, IDA, DCPG, or ARPA, etc., could do is: (1) cease all your services for the Pentagon; (2) repudiate the U.S. militaristic policies and...

European Confrontation Spoils Jason’s Summer Vacation

The following documents, sent to us by our brothers and sisters in Europe, depict a series of actions this summer centering on the contributions of noted U.S. physicists to the work of the Jason Division, the Institute for Defense Analysis' prime Pentagon advisory committee. At institutes and summer schools in France...

Hasten, Jason, Guard the Nation

We represent a  group from the academic community of New York City. We have been alarmed for some time with the strong and increasingly symbiotic relationship between our universities and the military complex. Recently we constituted a  group to attack this relationship and expose its often inhuman ends, ends which we...

The Strange Procedures of Science Magazine’s Editor

AAAS attendees bought many copies of a little salmon colored pamphlet entitled CENSORED. The pamphlet describes the censoring of an article with the title, Science for the People, that four members of SESPA from N.Y. and Chicago had submitted for publication. The article is a modified and extended development of the...

Harvard Loses Pete Barrer

I am writing to announce my withdrawal from the Public Policy Program. This letter is being made public because the other students, professors and secretaries in the program also deserve to know why I am leaving. There are many reasons and events that have led me to this decision, but they sum to the simple facts that...

People’s Science

These perversions of science have not occurred without opposition. Several of the early atomic researchers tried unsuccessfully to prevent an A-bomb detonation over humans. In the 1950's, scientific workers and laymen combined in a movement opposed to nuclear weapons tests because of the harmful effects of radioactive...

Indictment of Glenn T. Seaborg for the Crime of Science Against the People

SCIENCE AGAINST THE PEOPLE is a crime that in today's world has reached a scale unprecedented in history. For never before has the confluence of technological capability and the need to dominate affected so many people in so many parts of the world. You are guilty, Glenn T. Seaborg. of a conscious, major, self-serving...