Tag - critique of establishment science and scientists

Science, Scientists, and the Third World

Three years ago a few members of the American Physical Society startled their colleagues by wearing a lapel button which read "Science for the People". The reaction of some older established members was: "What do you mean- the people? Am I not the people too?" The question that I want to examine is how science relates...

Why I Resigned from the National Academy of Sciences

Thus, the activities of the N.A.S.-N.R.C. are the classic example of the artificial separation of technology from politics that is the unshakeable principle of academic science. Moreover, the falseness of this doctrine is nowhere more patent than in the activities of the N.A.S.-N.R.C. The N.R.C. has, among its...

The Social Impact of Modern Biology

The nightmare of genetic engineering and test-tube babies and other spectres of the misuse of science stimulated the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) to call a meeting in London in late November of 1970. "The Social Impact of Modern Biology" summed up in the meeting title myriad concerns...

Address to the Academie des Sciences

Why scientific prizes other than to reward those who have best carried out the role assigned to them by this society: to propagate and publicize the idea of a politically neutral and socially progressive science; to accept and amplify the ideology of elitism and expertise, and thus to aid the ruling class to mask the...

Heroes of Our Time

It would be very instructive to analyze the way the problem of how science and technology are misused by the government and the military-industrial complex was presented by the press and even more interesting to find out how it was taken by the general public. The material available for such research, articles and...