Category - No 1

Cable TV

The appearance of a new technology such as cable TV invariably serves to distinguish between those who regard technology as a neutral tool and those who view technology as a part of the overall political system, subject to the constraints of that system. Amitai Etzioni, along with a number of academics, lies outside...

Northeast Regional Conference

In the past year there has been an increasing awareness of the need for SESPA/SftP to better define its politics and to develop organizationally in broadening the base of people who accept responsibilities and make decisions. A Northeast regional conference to discuss program, tactics and organization was conceived as...

Under the Green Thumb: Imperialist Uses of Ecology

A number of influential commentators in the United States have recently begun to argue that economic development in the Third World would be incompatible with natural resource conservation and pollution control on a global scale.


At the heart of the energy industry are the giant multinational corporations. At the present time, seven international oil companies (Standard Oil of New Jersey, Texaco, California Standard, Gulf, Mobil, Shell and British Petroleum), five of them U.S. based, dominate the international oil markets, controlling ⅔ of the...

The Struggle Against Army Math

In Madison, the struggle against U.S. imperialism has refocused on the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) at the University of Wisconsin. Two important events in the fight to abolish AMRC have taken place this fall: Karleton Armstrong was tried and sentenced for his part in the 1970 bombing of the center, and a...

Not Better Lives, Just Fewer People: The Ideology of Population Control

There are many assumptions implicit in the argument for population control which are either questionable or outright nonsense from the point of view of radical political economy, and therefore many “radicals” have denounced the entire concept. After centuries of rapacious exploitation of the world’s peoples and...

About This Issue

Each issue of Science for the People is prepared by a collective, assembled from volunteers by a committee made up of the collectives of the past calendar year. A collective carries out all editorial, production, and distribution functions for one issue. The following is a distillation of the actual practice of the...

Population Control: Letters

The two letters that follow were stimulated by articles previously published by Science for the People: the first by a section in the pamphlet, Science and Technology in Latin America: Por Que?, and the second by the article, "Preventive Genocide in Latin America", in SftP, March, 1973. These letters offer criticisms...