Category - No 4

SESPA at American Chemical Society Meeting

SESPA attended its first meeting of the American Chemical Society this year. The immediate reaction of the lower echelon officials was of hostility. Denied the right even to put up a literature table, some of us circulated among the arriving chemists armed with leaflets and other "subversive" goodies, while others...

Women in Chemistry — Part of the 51% Minority

In a country where over one half of the population are women, why are only 9% of chemists women? Why do women constitute only 4.2% of all physicists and 0.8% of all engineers? Are we dealing here with those mythical natural interests and capabilities of women? Is the reason irrational discrimination, or is it perhaps...

Perception, Learning and Science Education

In a recent issue of Science for the People, the Science Teaching Group offered a critique of science courses in the schools1 The critique emphasized the role of traditional science education in maintaining the economic and social status quo. This is accomplished by fostering the myth of an apolitical, benevolent...

Weather Warfare

At the request of a member of the Union of Vietnamese in France, the Science for Viet Nam group began looking into the military use of weather modification techniques. They discovered that most of the Department of Defense appropriations in the area go to classified projects. But published reports, brought together...

About This Issue

The American government's latest maneuvers in the Indochina War reaffirm that the calculated genocide is no mistake of foreign policy. The highly mechanized air and sea warfare kills and maims indiscriminately. The use of mines, plastic anti-personnel bombs, people sensors, defoliants, and weather manipulation (as...