Category - No 4

Our Issues Never Grow Old

Science for the People is more than a bimonthly magazine — it is a growing reserve of useful material documenting our struggle to make science truly serve the people, and thus of permanent value. Order your back issues now! You can use the form on the following page. 

Towards a Renewed and Expanded SftP Role Among Science Teachers

After an absence of several years, SftP made a return appearance at the National Science Teachers Association (NST A) Convention held at the Sheraton-Park in Washington, D.C., April 7-9, 1978. Witht the help of locals Walda Katz Fishman and Dan Atkins and of science teachers Jack Dougherty and Frank Rosenthal we...

The False Promise: Professionalism in Nursing

The organizing done by nurses in the last few years shows that we are learning from the examples set by service and technical workers. We will use the same tactics as they do. But our organizing experience has been held back by the influence of the professional associations. Nurses have yet to recognize that these...

How Scholars Play With The Poor

The popular view, maintained even today, is that the university is a haven for the unproductive—a dream world. But, in fact, the university plays quite an active role in our national life. To put it bluntly, the intellectual work that goes on at the university level is for the most part the work that is required to...

About This Issue

An admitted purpose of U.S. aid to underdeveloped countries is to protect North American economic and political interests.