Category - Sociobiology

A History of Eugenics in the Class Struggle

A raft of reports has appeared claiming a genetic basis for intelligence in human beings. These hereditarian explanations for intelligence have been given considerable publicity—by far more than given to opposing views. As a result, whether consciously or not, the U.S. scientific and general public has begun to absorb...

The Inherited Ideology of Science

We have inherited from bourgeois society a science whose structure presupposes that man exists inherently as a passive object of external natural laws that science must discover but over which man has no ultimate control. A revolutionary movement that intends to liberate man's repressed desires will need to overcome...

The Local Struggle: Actions at the International Genetics Congress

SESPA speakers pointed out that politically and economically the green revolution represents a capitalist incursion into Third World markets as well as an attempt to secure the Third world politically for the West. We then attempted to show how the imperialist goal of the funding organizations created great strictures...

Psychology in the Legitimation of Apartheid

From an historical point of view, the capitalist mode of production and distribution has led to the emergence of two characteristic types of political system: the liberal democracy exemplified by England and the United States of America on the one hand, and the repressive police state exemplified by Nazi Germany on...

A Public Statement on the Herrnstein Controversy

Psychology professor Richard Herrnstein of Harvard University published an article titled "I.Q." in the September issue of the Atlantic. In it he says, " ... data on I.Q. and social-class differences show that we have been living with an inherited stratification of our society for some time." In what he calls our...

Science in the Justification of Class Structure

It's happened once again. Another puppet has stepped forward, scientific credentials in hand, to mouth the scientific justification for an unjust social order. This time it's Richard Herrnstein, Harvard professor of psychology and noted pigeon researcher, who has recently joined the ranks of Jensen, Banfield...

The Social Impact of Modern Biology

The nightmare of genetic engineering and test-tube babies and other spectres of the misuse of science stimulated the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) to call a meeting in London in late November of 1970. "The Social Impact of Modern Biology" summed up in the meeting title myriad concerns...