This is the first issue of our magazine put under new management: i.e. a stable core of people...

Volume 7, Number 4
July 1975
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With recent victories in Indochina and struggles for liberation around the world gaining strength...
Does an increase in scientific and technological knowledge have to result in the destruction of...
The following is a review of a book which tries to be about building a nonviolent alternative...
The following is a political analysis which views the history of Science for the People as a...
Through our struggle in science we have come increasingly to realize that alongside the peoples of...
Women's participation has been essential to reconstruction efforts after the Viet Nam War, during...
In late 1973, people in the Boston area who heard about our group began to give us some details...
This article was stimulated by a radio program script by AI Huebner, California. Thanks are...
We gave this course because MIT has no regular course in plant biology, because we had some new...