The magazine Science for the People which succeeded SESPA Newsletter has now appeared for a...

Volume 3, Number 4
September 1971
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Last May, Arthur Galston and I spent two weeks in the Peoples Republic of China, visiting various...
Thus, the activities of the N.A.S.-N.R.C. are the classic example of the artificial separation of...
These days, we engineers are in a bad way. Some 80,000 (about 6% of all engineers) are...
The June issue of Consulting Engineer reports that the National Science Foundation has awarded a...
During the last several years, the FBI has been developing a computer-accessed data bank as part of...
Food is the single largest retail industry in the U.S., doing over $125 billion business in sales...
We solicited reports from local SESPA groups and groups like SESPA, however, the mails have been...