Tag - workplace actions

SESPA Activist Wins Court Case

The Alameda County Superior Court ruled that Charlie Schwartz (a founder of SESPA) had been removed from his job at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory because of his political activities; this was a violation of his Constitutional rights and therefore he must be reinstated and compensated for lost income. The action was...

Calculus for Conquest

For the past several months the Madison Collective of Science for the People has been directly involved in the struggle against the Army Mathematics Research Center (AMRC) located on the University of Wisconsin Campus. We are not the first to oppose this military funded and directed institution. Since 1967 it has been...

Controlling Aggressive Behavior (or Stopping War Research)

In March 1969, a demonstration against a Dow Chemical Corporation (napalm manufacturers) recruiter led to a demand for access to the university's research files in an effort to expose suspected direct involvement of the university with the military. A group of over 100 demonstrators entered the graduate school offices...

Theater of the Absurd?

Edwin Land is a Harvard Hero. No, not because of his prowess on the football field or even on the debate team, for that matter, but because Ed Land has achieved what so many Nobel prize winners have only hoped to achieve. Land has made himself a fortune by turning science into cash. He is the scientific entrepeneur...

Discrimination at UMass — Woman Scientist Fights Back

When the Boston campus of the University of Massachusetts opened in the Fall of 1965, its initial physics faculty was made up of two men and two women, and one of the men was married to one of the women. At the start of her fourth year the wife (of the couple) got notice that "University policy quite clearly prohibits...

Workers Publish Underground Newspaper

SIGNAL/NOISE is one of a growing number of publications coming out in shops and laboratories to meet the need for working people to cut through the bullshit that management is forever spreading around. At BBN, secretaries, scientists, engineers, maintenancemen, technicians, computer programmers, etc. had been meeting...

Bobby Seale at Cold Spring Harbor

Cold Spring Harbor laboratory is the sanctum-sanctorum of Molecular Biology. Its annual symposium from June 4 to June 11, 1970, attracted over 300 scientists (needless to say, about 80% males) from all over the country and top scientists from abroad. In the words of its director, Nobel Prize winner James D. Watson...