In the late twentieth century, the precepts of Reverend Thomas Malthus are being revived, even though nineteenth century capitalists have found them inconvenient and backward. Whereas scientists such as Darwin had demolished the "scientific" basis of Malthus' predictions and socialist thinkers such as Karl Marx had...
Tag - technology of control
In recent years, both the American government and the "philanthropic" agencies such as IPPF, have exerted continual pressure upon Latin American nations to reduce birth rates. A celebrated case in 1969 was Bolivia, which had recently nationalized Gulf Oil's holdings. When Bolivia, with a population density of less...
There was but a sardonic humor in that appraisal of the work situation. Management's search for a solution to the alienation, boredom, and depersonalization of factory workers directed the course of a symposium entitled "The Corporation and the College as Social Engineers" which was staged at Emmanuel College, a...
From an historical point of view, the capitalist mode of production and distribution has led to the emergence of two characteristic types of political system: the liberal democracy exemplified by England and the United States of America on the one hand, and the repressive police state exemplified by Nazi Germany on...
The following is a commentary on a feature appearing in the magazine Science and dealing with the population policy of Japan. Since World War ll Japan has made extensive use of abortions which have been promoted and encouraged by the national Eugenic Protection Law passed in 1948. In this way Japan has curbed its...
During the last several years, the FBI has been developing a computer-accessed data bank as part of an automated nationwide police information network. The central element of this network, the National Crime Information Center is financed by the federal government under the so-called Organized Crime and Safe Streets...
The nightmare of genetic engineering and test-tube babies and other spectres of the misuse of science stimulated the British Society for Social Responsibility in Science (BSSRS) to call a meeting in London in late November of 1970. "The Social Impact of Modern Biology" summed up in the meeting title myriad concerns...
It should be easy to limit a woman's reproduction by sterilizing her at the birth of her nth child. Is this a shocking idea?... The Women's Liberation Movement may not like it, but control must be exerted through females. Divorce and remarriage play havoc with assigning responsibility to couples or to men. Biology...
Last spring the Ely Lilly Award was bestowed on Jon Beckwith a young professor at Harvard Medical School in recognition of the work of his coworkers and himself (see "Heroes of our Time", p 14). Jon turned the awarded money over to the Black Panther Party. At the 1970 meeting of the American Society of Microbiology he...