Tag - politics

Small is Beautiful as a Book and as a Bum Steer

The following is a review of a book which tries to be about building a nonviolent alternative society, an idea that, unfortunately, seems to have special appeal to technically trained people, who have rebellion in their hearts. The book is Small is Beautiful by E.F. Schumacher. After dealing briefly with the book...

Science: Political and Personal

John Stewart raises the important question of the relation between a scientific method, and politics and their psychological effect on the scientist in his laboratory. He describes a personal viewpoint, but invites readers to suggest what can be done by progressive scientists to ameliorate the situation today while...

Two Views of the Pledge

Herb offered some critical comments on the political implications saying that the pledge-taking in itself is "neither radical political activity nor . . . a threat to the establishment" since (1) it is an individual act requiring no organized social or political effort (2) it removes the critical scientist from the...