Consider the following facts: Westinghouse Electric Corporation has sold a nuclear reactor costing $1.1 billion to the Marcos dictatorship in the Philippines. This 620 megawatt reactor is being constructed in Morong, Bataan, on the slope of an active volcano, Mt. Natib. There are three other live volcanoes within a...
Tag - nuclear
The movement against nuclear energy in West Germany had its beginnings in Whyl, a small town on the French/Swiss/German border. The protests began on a small scale after the news of the planned atomic energy plant was made public in 1971. The movement was triggered by students and others from the nearby city of...
Critics of the nuclear establishment, among them many highly respected independent scientists, point out that a number of safety plans have not yet been tested and a number of “half-disaster” accidents have already occurred in operating nuclear power plants. The history of the nuclear safety debate records numerous...
At the heart of the energy industry are the giant multinational corporations. At the present time, seven international oil companies (Standard Oil of New Jersey, Texaco, California Standard, Gulf, Mobil, Shell and British Petroleum), five of them U.S. based, dominate the international oil markets, controlling ⅔ of the...