Tag - malnutrition

The Philippines: Medical Industry Thrives, Health Care Fails

A growing number of health care workers are engaged in the task of forging an alternative health care system based on genuine people’s participation. Experiments in grassroots health care planning have been started in various parts of the country. Their goal is to train health workers in the barrios to pass on...

Exporting Infant Malnutrition

An economy based on consumption needs consumers. When the market is saturated at home, the solution—look abroad for new and untapped markets. This is exactly what has happened in the infant formula industry. With too few mouths to feed at home, the major manufacturers of baby foods have stepped up their promotion...

Soyabeans in India

Science and scientists have been described as instruments of development. Indeed they are. But they can also be used as instruments of underdevelopment and of neocolonial exploitation. The problems of increasing the production of food in underdeveloped countries have been laid in the lap of Science and Technology. But...