In the past few years much energy and enthusiasm has been directed towards the supposedly new idea of extending the comparative study of animal social systems to human social systems. However, we of the Sociobiology Study Group see this movement as the latest reappearance of a much older doctrine of biological...
Tag - harvard
The psychological and behavioral development of those with the extra Y chromosome (1 in 1000) is followed by a group of psychiatrists, to see if the children develop "antisocial" behavior. The study came to the attention of the Genetic Engineering Group (GEG) of Science for the People. We were opposed to this kind of...
In the middle of May, as students at Harvard Medical School were preparing for their exams, as many medical schools around the country were completing their admissions decisions, as President Ford spoke of "alternatives to busing," Bernard D. Davis, a Professor at Harvard Medical School, stirred up a storm the impact...
Psychology professor Richard Herrnstein of Harvard University published an article titled "I.Q." in the September issue of the Atlantic. In it he says, " ... data on I.Q. and social-class differences show that we have been living with an inherited stratification of our society for some time." In what he calls our...
I am writing to announce my withdrawal from the Public Policy Program. This letter is being made public because the other students, professors and secretaries in the program also deserve to know why I am leaving. There are many reasons and events that have led me to this decision, but they sum to the simple facts that...
Edwin Land is a Harvard Hero. No, not because of his prowess on the football field or even on the debate team, for that matter, but because Ed Land has achieved what so many Nobel prize winners have only hoped to achieve. Land has made himself a fortune by turning science into cash. He is the scientific entrepeneur...
Since Nixon announced his new economic program, the American left has been searching for an effective response. In its reaction to the program and the underlying economic crisis, the left has not yet escaped some of its most familiar failings. On the one hand, many radicals cling to an image of cataclysmic economic...
If you drive down Route 3 just off Route 128 in Bedford, Mass., passing some of America's most sophisticated arms factories, such as MITRE, Raytheon, and Sylvania, you can see an ugly cylindrical tank. The tank is behind The GCA corporation technology division building, on the edge of a brook with benches, trees and...