Tag - genetics

Recombinant DNA: Does the Fault Lie Within Our Genes?

I have been doing research in bacterial genetics for the last 12 years at Harvard Medical School and I am a member of Science for the People. Over the last couple of years, we have been discussing in our laboratory how the recombinant DNA technique could make certain of our experiments much easier to do. However, as a...

Report from the Boston Science Teaching Group

The Science Teaching Group has concentrated in the last few months on sales of the 3 “Science and Society” pamphlets, on a Biology Teachers’ Conference in Framingham and on consideration of new projects. Sales of the pamphlets have been going extremely well with both “The Energy Crisis” and “Genetic Engineering” (2000...

XYY: Fact or Fiction?

You've just returned home from the Lying-In Hospital in Boston bearing a beautiful normal baby boy. You and the father let out a quiet sigh of relief — everything went alright, the future looks bright, true happiness is yours. In a few days, however, a message arrives from Dr. Stanley Walzer, a child psychiatrist...

Unmasking the IQ Lie

Jensen, Herrnstein and others have claimed that people's IQ is highly inherited and plays a large part in determining their "success" in later life. In this section of the magazine we show the fallacies of all these arguments. "IQ and Class Structure" demonstrates that IQ is not a cause of success and that it is...

Science Teachers Report

The N.E. Regional National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) convention in Boston, last December, was different from past national NSTA conventions the Science Teaching Group has attended. We were asked to present our own sessions, given space for our literature table, and the NSTA sessions were run in a more open...

The Local Struggle: Actions at the International Genetics Congress

SESPA speakers pointed out that politically and economically the green revolution represents a capitalist incursion into Third World markets as well as an attempt to secure the Third world politically for the West. We then attempted to show how the imperialist goal of the funding organizations created great strictures...