Tag - computers

Whose Computer Is It Anyway?

While these inequalities were not caused by computers, they may well be reproduced and even accentuated by their use. We examine here three areas in which these problems arise: hardware, software, and classroom use. We present more examples on the third area because it is more apt to be overlooked in discussions of...

Computers in the Classroom: Social Stratifiers or Liberating Equalizers?

Our observations and interviews were guided by a common set of orienting questions regarding the relationship between the characteristics of schools, the students they educate and the policies and practices of computer use in the five districts we studied. We found a very strong relationship between (1) the rationale...

Mailing Lists and Technophobia: Report from the Boston SftP Computer Group

The Boston area micro-computer project grew out of the needs of Science for the People, requests for aid from various other progressive groups, and the experience with micro-computers which several members of the Boston chapter began to acquire during 1977 and early 1978. In the spring of 1978, when it appeared that...

Book Review: Computer Lib/Dream Machines

Rapid technological change has in the past been accepted as the quickest and best method for developing a better society. Recently, widespread use of the electronic computer has rekindled the hopes of many people interested in using technology as a force for positive social change. Theodor Nelson's dual book, Computer...

Science for the People Activities

Last summer a number of us began to work as a support and education group in the area of computers. Some but not all of us were members of SESPA; we included people in math and sociology as well as computer workers.  So far, we have worked on two specific projects: development of a mailing list program for processing...

Computer Course Bibliography

Second semester, Al taught a course on computer technology and its social and political implications. The students actually used a computer terminal and worked with it practically as well as theoretically. Here is his bibliography, which may be of help to some readers.