Tag - committee against racism

AAAS: Sociobiology on the Run

The very fact of the AAAS sponsoring this symposium on the "controversy" is an indication of the success we have had in making the claims of the sociobiologists controversial. What caught many of us in Science for the People by surprise at the AAAS meetings was the extent of the spreading negative reaction to...

Membership Survey & Northeast Regional Conference

The Northeast Regional Committee of Science for the People undertook a survey of the membership, activities and political perspectives of SESPA chapters around the country. This is a first step in the direction of assessing the need and support for a national conference which would work toward a national organization...

Science for the People Activities

Last summer a number of us began to work as a support and education group in the area of computers. Some but not all of us were members of SESPA; we included people in math and sociology as well as computer workers.  So far, we have worked on two specific projects: development of a mailing list program for processing...

First Our Land, Now Our Health

Impetigo is a skin disease caused by streptococci bacteria inducing boil-like pustules on the face, legs and other exposed parts of the body, which may itch, bum and bleed. It spreads rapidly, persists unless treated and leads to multiple infection in families. With certain strains of streptococci, impetigo can lead...