Tag - book reviews

Book Review: Aid as Obstacle

Aid as Obstacle is a welcome book which extensively documents the bitter reality of actions taken in the name of the world’s poor. Foreign aid is hurting the very people it claims to help. The book explains why foreign aid fails and actually increases poverty. The authors call for a stop to all foreign aid to all...

Women and Health: A Review of the Literature

This short article appeared in a packet put together by the Political Economy Program Center of the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington. We are reprinting it here as a way of opening up this important area, and stimulating related articles for future issues. The bibliography section is not meant to be...

The Atomic Establishment – A Review

The Atomic Energy Commission was formed a year after the holocaust at Hiroshima and Nagasaki gave the world its first exposure to atomic energy as an instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy. The McMahon Act of 1946 set up a 5-man Commission, all civilians, to advise the President on all possible manifestations of this new...