Tag - berkeley sespa

Science for the People Activities

The Army Mathematics Research Center: Our attack on this military research center continues. The center recently attacked our book The AMRC Papers

Chapter Reports

Berkeley SESPA members have been involved in diverse activities over the past few months. Many people in our group spent a lot of time with the SESPA people who had just returned from China. The China people did a lot of speaking on an itinerary set up by our China Study Group. A program on the U.C. campus featuring a...

Chapter Reports

At long last there is some news to report from Northwestern. During the student strike this past spring, several of us at N.U. with help from the Chicago Science for Viet Nam collective held a teach-in on war research and new weapons being used in the war.

What’s Happening? Reports from Groups and Chapters

The SESPA Science Teaching Group held a science conference on Saturday, March 10 at the Cardinal Cushing High School in South Boston. The 150 participants included students and faculty from local high schools and colleges. The conference was organized in response to a need felt among science teachers to begin a...

SESPA Politics

The present issue of Science for the People is initiating a discussion of the political orientation of SESPA. SESPA has no definite political orientation at this time. The various constituent collectives are each doing their own thing, and many of our members express the feeling that discussion of broader political...

The Local Struggle: Actions at the International Genetics Congress

SESPA speakers pointed out that politically and economically the green revolution represents a capitalist incursion into Third World markets as well as an attempt to secure the Third world politically for the West. We then attempted to show how the imperialist goal of the funding organizations created great strictures...

The Local Struggle: Report – West Coast Regional Conf.

Our main purpose in calling this conference was twofold: to try to bring together many scattered people who had shown an interest in SESPA, seeking to replace the isolation of many individuals with new contacts that could lead to the formation and growth of new groups; and also to try to advance the general discussion...

Report from Berkeley SESPA

Students and staff at the University of California's Lawrence Radiation Lab at Berkeley continue to press for the right to hold organized meetings at noon hour in the Lab auditorium. This seemingly innocuous demand has resulted in a seventeen-month controversy involving Director of the Laboratory, Dr. Edwin McMillan...

Ecology for the People

Not too long ago environmental concern was the dominant issue of the day. This was in no small part due to Paul Ehrlich and his book The Population Bomb. Ehrlich is viewed by the media and the public as a major spokesman of the environmental movement. He has been associated with a trend in environmental thought that...

Report of Activities from Berkeley

Numerous attempts to arrange meetings with people inside the lab have been refused by the lab director, even when these requests came from conservative University faculty members. On one day a group of six drove out to the lab spontaneously in the hope of having lunch at the cafeteria in the unclassified area and...