Frank, an attractive but rather thin sixth-grader, sits quietly in an examination room of the Learning Disabilities Clinic at the Kaiser-Permanente Medical Center in Oakland, California. A clinic doctor checks Frank's cumulative record from the urban school he attends. Then he checks the boy's eye movements. Frank has...
Tag - behavior modification
While the techniques and terminology of behavior modification present a flashy mix of space age technology and verbiage, the basic ideas have been prevalent in America for many years. And the overriding contradiction of behavior modification, between the social cause of "antisocial" behavior and the correction of...
There is presently for prisoners throughout the U.S., both state and federal, a new kind of warfare and dehumanization. For prisoners it is a present terror, for those on the outside it is a threat.
A multi-million dollar proposal for a "Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence" (CSRV) at the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) has been designed to focus on the "pathologically violent individual" and, in the words of its main proponent, is aimed at "altering undesirable behavior." In this time of...
This paper has been an attempt to clarify some of the contradictions of the techniques now in use to modify and control behavior. Coupled with the brutality and the totalitarian nature of these methods is the destruction that they cause to the individual.