Tag - atomic energy commission

Corporate Connections of Notable Scientists

The statement on national energy policy signed by 32 leading scientists, which you ran so prominently in Monday's paper, needs to be sprinkled with a bit of salt before the public may digest it healthily. In reaching their chief conclusion — namely, that this country should go full ahead with the nuclear power program...


At the heart of the energy industry are the giant multinational corporations. At the present time, seven international oil companies (Standard Oil of New Jersey, Texaco, California Standard, Gulf, Mobil, Shell and British Petroleum), five of them U.S. based, dominate the international oil markets, controlling ⅔ of the...

The Atomic Establishment – A Review

The Atomic Energy Commission was formed a year after the holocaust at Hiroshima and Nagasaki gave the world its first exposure to atomic energy as an instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy. The McMahon Act of 1946 set up a 5-man Commission, all civilians, to advise the President on all possible manifestations of this new...

Nuclear Tragedy

If you think that the AEC's concern for reactor safety can be counted upon to protect you from the potential hazards of a nuclear power plant, then consider the following case history in which two men have already died because of criminal negligence. June 6, 1968: Virginia Electric and Power Company (Vepco) begins...