Tag - art

Star Wars: Mirrors of Reality

The Star Wars series may be one of the last visual indulgences of this style of thinking. For we, as a society, are being confronted with our limitations. We feel the pinch of depleting resources and the occurrence of events like Three Mile Island and Love Canal have made some people realize that since we will be on...

Laboratory! A SftP Play

Laboratory! was collectively written by several members of Boston SftP's political theater group, the Fuming Hoods. This play, while not the most detailed theoretical political argument, has proved to be an entertaining method of communicating basic ideas of "science for the people." Over the past several months, the...

Fighting People’s Art in N.Y.C.

In a bizarre struggle, little known outside of New York City, the N.Y.C. Transit Authority (T.A.) is waging war against the kids. It all began in the late sixties when dilapidated subway cars, in service for thirty-five years and more, began to get elaborate midnight paint jobs signed with names like "Jose" and "Mo."...