Category - No 3

It’s the Real Thing: Coke Oven Cancer

For nearly a decade a major battle has been waged over conditions in coke plants. While the steel industry has resisted clean-up efforts tooth and nail, the United Steel Workers of America (USWA), prodded by rank-and-file coke oven workers, has won definite improvements in conditions in coke plants. Still, most plants...

A Ton of Cure: Why There Is No Cancer Prevention

There is much more profit in finding a cure for cancer than in preventing the disease. Industry tries to manipulate cancer prevention into a case of the environmentalists against the workers; just as nuclear power, uranium mining, automobile emissions standards, and too many others have been previously manipulated...

Book Review: The Politics of Cancer

The Politics of Cancer is his contribution to the debate over the future of the environmental health movement. In it he has pulled together a monumental amount of information on specific carcinogens, on the scientific background to cancer, and on the “scientific” and “non-scientific” opposition to regulation. He...

The Politics of Cancer Research

Cancer research in this country has become a bureaucracy and an industry, and certain avenues of research languish because of this. Cancer prevention and its research are not in the interests of the medical establishment, and cause contradictions in our economic system. This article will examine the broad issue of...

Comparing Apples to Oranges: Risk of Cost/Benefit Analysis

As the concern about the risks of modern technology to people and the environment has been translated into legislation, a basic idea has emerged - that the best way to evaluate such a risk is to compare it with the associated benefits. This is known as risk/benefit assessment.

Cancer: Some Notes for Activists

Cancer is both a scientific and a political issue. It is a scientific issue because it is a heavily researched disease — one whose most basic characteristics are still being uncovered and one about which honest and less-than-honest differences of opinion exist among scientists. It is fundamentally a political issue...