In accordance with recent legislation, Department of Defense (DOD) descriptions of all DOD funded research are available as a matter of public record. The DOD descriptions are written by a DOD project manager and are often more revealing than the investigator's own abstract of his research project. These descriptions...
Author - it_coordinator
The Boston Area SESPA Science Teaching Group has been analyzing the Project Physics Course material. They have selected this particular curriculum because it, more than any other, attempts to deal with the social and cultural aspects of physics. To date most of the work has been done analyzing Unit 3: The Triumph of...
At the 16th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society in Toronto, Canada, February 24-27, attended by some 1200 scientists in the area of biophysics, biochemistry, biology and medically related disciplines, one of the special symposia of major significance was that on the Social Responsibility of Scientists.
Cancer, like many other health problems results in large measure from the environmental and social conditions in which people live. Its solution requires social change, not merely the great American know-how that is advertised as the cure to all our problems. People will have to get together and use their political...
OFF CONTROL is a project to investigate and disseminate information on the development and use of people-control technologies.
The present issue of Science for the People is initiating a discussion of the political orientation of SESPA. SESPA has no definite political orientation at this time. The various constituent collectives are each doing their own thing, and many of our members express the feeling that discussion of broader political...
But we have to see behind all these, there is something
behind the traitors and the gnawing rats,
an empire which sets the table,
and serves up the nourishment and the bullets.
They want to repeat their great success in Greece.
The following articles, solicited on short notice, come from two observers, holding academic positions in the U.S., who spent part or all of the past year in Chile. Both articles deal with an important component of the then advancing Chilean Revolution: workers' control in the factories. This phenomenon resulted from...
In the difficult task of uniting theory and practice, of uniting ones dream of a socialist society and a concrete daily struggle toward it, of believing in class struggle and bringing ones tangible contribution to the strength of one side, I decided to spend one sabbatical semester in a Chilean metallurgical factory...
SESPA speakers pointed out that politically and economically the green revolution represents a capitalist incursion into Third World markets as well as an attempt to secure the Third world politically for the West. We then attempted to show how the imperialist goal of the funding organizations created great strictures...