Author - SftP Archives

Book Review: Report on the Lands of the Arid Region

under an administration that makes no bones about its aim to stick the poor, the boomers got rid of the provision altogether: last fall Congress passed a bill that increased the 160-acre limitation to 960 for "small" corporations and 640 for large, and granted free leasing privileges to all. Though ignored since its...

Ford Foundation and Social Control

In place of programs which might encourage genuine political participation by the citizenry, the Ford Foundation tried to develop new justifications for the social order. The hidden agenda of its involvement in political science during this period was an attempt to restructure the field so that political scientists...

A Black Psychiatrist Examines Racism: An Interview with Dr. Alvin F. Poussaint

There are white therapists who refuse to deal with racism as an issue with black clients. They dismiss it. They see the key issue as how to get along with a mother or father. It's clearly an individual, intrapsychic orientation to most of psychiatry. As long as that's so, therapists will be willing to downplay the...

Education and Research in Occupational Health

For several years now the CSN and the FTQ have organized workshops on occupational safety and health. These sessions are aimed at informing and promoting awareness among workers, as well as mobilizing and organizing around issues and actions leading to the improvement of working conditions. The sessions are built...

Supporting Repression: U.S. Military Supplies Salvadorean Regime

The success of the Salvadorean revolution — the overthrow of the present regime, the abolition and replacement of the existing state apparatus by a popular-democratic one, the elimination of repression and the end of U.S. domination over the lives of the people of El Salvador — will show the popular liberation...

Attitudes Towards the Disabled: “Disabled Doesn’t Mean Unable”

Although negative attitudes towards the disabled constitute ominous barriers, changing those attitudes is not easy, and is not enough. Those attitudes have a long history and they are the consequence of economic and political decisions. Eliminating requirements to make transportation systems and buildings accessible...

Agricultural Research and Social Conflict

The two scenarios just developed were (1) science as it is – researchers engaged in basic and applied research aimed at the mechanization of the tomato harvest – and (2) science as it could be – researchers engaged in basic and applied research aimed at the improvement of farmworkers' jobs. The first is science in...

Star Wars: Mirrors of Reality

The Star Wars series may be one of the last visual indulgences of this style of thinking. For we, as a society, are being confronted with our limitations. We feel the pinch of depleting resources and the occurrence of events like Three Mile Island and Love Canal have made some people realize that since we will be on...

Re-Examining the Anthropological Records: Old Bones Shatter Hunter Myths

Political from inception, concepts of “man the hunter” and “the killer ape” are no less political in conclusion and application. They are also dishonest, speculative and often untrue. But even if “man” (never “woman”) were a hunting animal during the dawning years of our lineage, even if this hunting lifestyle had...