The planned climax for the United Nations' World Population Year was the World Population Conference held in Bucharest, Rumania, in late August. Official, exclusive delegations composed of high level policy-makers attended from most countries. In addition several thousand others attended the prior International Youth...
Tag - volume 7
In this issue, the familiar theme of the applications and development of science in our society is followed in two groups of articles. The first group deals with some of the dangerous ways in which scientific results can be loaded for and applied to increase the profit of big business, the exploitation of the working...
This issue of Science for the People magazine is concerned with occupational health and safety. The Stony Brook Chapter chose this topic, not because of any particular expertise we possess in this area, but rather because of its relevance to workers' lives and to their organizing efforts. We knew that at least 30% of...
This is the first issue of our magazine put under new management: i.e. a stable core of people, divided into editorial, production, and distribution groups, and committed to a tenure of 6 months or more. We, on the editorial committee, are generally satisfied with our experience to this point and with the first...
This issue of Science for the People represents a turning point in the production of the magazine. In accordance with the resolution passed at the Northeast Regional Conference last November, the system involving relatively autonomous editorial collectives, each responsible for all phases of production of one issue of...
This issue continues previous discussions of two important topics: the economy and food production.
Hard Times are beginning to touch our daily lives. Food prices go up. Fuel prices go up. Inflation reduces our real earnings. Economic recession and the spectre of Depression mean that the hardships previously experienced by only some groups, will begin to reach more of us. Oil company ads tell us it's all due to poor...
When the energy crisis hit with full force last fall and winter it took the form of an absolute shortage of oil and oil products. Gas became very scarce. There were rumors about not enough heating oil to last the winter. And hundreds of factories cut back on production and laid workers off. A lot of people felt at the...
The psychological and behavioral development of those with the extra Y chromosome (1 in 1000) is followed by a group of psychiatrists, to see if the children develop "antisocial" behavior. The study came to the attention of the Genetic Engineering Group (GEG) of Science for the People. We were opposed to this kind of...
In a similar fashion, the theories put forth by the sociobiologists and their predecessors help to support maintenance of the status quo and to convince people that revolutionary changes in social relationships (e.g. class structure and sex roles) are impossible. One way we see this done is by the rapid incorporation...